What to eat pregnant? Should food really have the ability to design? Can food actually increase fertility? Here in this article, I will provide answers to some frequently asked questions about food and pregnancy.
Scientific studies show some link between conception and the food we eat. There are certain categories of foods that are useful to regulate the monthly cycle ovulation in women. This significantly improves the fertility. Ovulatory disorders will benefit from the kind of food we consume.
Here are some of the things relating to food, you need to follow if you are seriously conception
(a) stop or reduce the consumption of trans fats. Replace this with monounsaturated fats, wherever possible.
(b) inclusion of proteins is essential in the pre-conception phase. However, it is necessary that you make sure that is the source of proteins from vegetables instead of animals. Protein from plant sources includes beans and lentils.
(c) to other dietary requirements of the body recording the whole grains meet are fresh vegetables and fruit essential. These are loaded with vitamins and are best when consumed raw, organic form.
(d) is to raise the body's natural immune system and ensure a healthy concept recording of iron and vitamins also significantly. Vitamin c deserves special mention. Vitamin C supplements are very effective for the strengthening of our body's immune system.
(e) folic acid supplement should be taken as soon as a woman decides to have a baby. Folic acid is needed to avoid tube defects. Green vegetables, nuts and whole grains are rich in folic acid.
(f) drinking water is very essential in this decisive phase of woman's life. At least 8 glasses of water has consumed every day to ensure that all harmful toxins out of our system are flushed out.
(g) research has shown that foods containing mercury are often responsible for birth defects. Therefore it is the best, foods such as certain types of salmon and a few other forms of seafood, which are rich in mercury.
(h) canned foods containing preservatives, chemicals and high levels of sodium. Therefore it must be avoided as much as possible.
Proper nutrition is one of the aspects that ensures a healthy body before and after the pregnancy. This will automatically promote boost fertility and general well-being.
You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!