
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is infertility? -What are the causes of it and maternity centre

The definition of infertility is the inability to understand or difficult conception. How is infertility diagnosed? If a couple has labeled barren, this simply means that they could comprehend not a child within a year of regular sexual intercourse and without birth control. There are two categories within a diagnosis of infertility: primary and secondary. Primary infertility is, if a child had never yet and not to grasp while secondary infertility, is if you have previously designed but difficulties at the present time due to a medical problem affect your fertility. There are a number of reasons for infertility, and you may not realize that you are infertile until you try to understand. About 14 percent of people in the United States are infertile and this can be contributed to the problems that have with lifestyle, age or physical problems to do.

How hormones work

In a woman that system depends on reproduction of five most important hormones: Progesterone, estrogen, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and gonadotropin - releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH is the first hormone released by the hypothalamus, an of the areas of the brain. After is released is the pituitary follicle stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. These hormones then communicate with the ovaries can share to estrogen and progesterone.

The follicle stimulating hormone causes that some which the egg follicles in the ovaries, tires, and tires (the ovaries adhere between 200,000 and 400,000 certain). In addition to this effect on the follicle egg, makes this hormone of the ovaries produce estrogen which in turn causes a large of Luteinisierenden hormone release and then stimulates the ovulation process by releasing an egg in the fallopian tube from the largest follicles. The luteinizing hormone, which is also responsible for the production of yellow fabric (Corpeus Luteum), makes the progesterone. At this time together prepare estrogen and progesterone and compression of the uterus by swelling it with blood, so that a fertilized egg itself can implant.

A man depends on the reproductive system four most important hormones: testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and gonadotropin - releasing hormone. The GnRH is brain by the hypothalamus in a man's brain like in a woman, and throws the luteinizing hormone and the follicle stimulating hormone are produced by the pituitary gland. Then, these two hormones regulate sperm production and the release of testosterone. This all takes place in the male testes which is scrotal SAC within the.

Causes of infertility

Both men and women to the cause for infertility are system problems in a man's system or anomalies in a woman. Twenty percent of infertility cases are 10 percent of the time by both parties, the problems with their systems, the problem can not be found, and the remaining 70 per cent of fertility cases is divided between the man and the woman. It can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which are easier to fix than others such as poor lifestyle or sexual habits. Sometimes, the cause may be as simple as not enough sex to have or lubricants, affecting the sperm of survival craft. Lifestyle changes that can be modified are heavy use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol, tight underwear and stress. Tight underwear causes infertility in men, as the density increases the temperature in the area of step and reduces therefore sperm count. Stress can cause that a woman can increase cycle notification of complaint and a man's risk of infertility by reducing his sperm count.

A woman can be infertile due to a number of reasons, including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is the most common cause of infertility in the world. This is a condition where the basin or at least the reproductive organs is infected. These include the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, or the cervix. This disease is caused from the same type of bacteria, the sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Another reason for infertility in women is a so-called syndrome of Polycystic ovary syndrome. This causes infertility, because it does not, allow the body to produce eggs due to the overproduction of testosterone and other male hormones.

Often go endometriosis and infertility hand in hand. This is scar than if a woman endometriosis, parts of the uterine lining in implant and the vagina, basin, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Other problems with infertility in women include other sexually transmitted diseases like herpes herpes, which can reduce fertility; immune system problems; hormonal problems; Fibroids; surgical complications; Drugs and poor quality cervical mucus.

Men can be infertile because of less than women, which are some of those have swollen veins in the scrotum, underdeveloped testes, some medications, exposure to metals, testicle injury, chronic infections of the prostate and infections such as tuberculosis and gonorrhea. Other causes of male infertility include Autoimmunity and retrograde ejaculation, which is, where the sperm back into the bladder rather than forced out travels.

Dealing with infertility

To try to understand and pregnancy can not experience it to as unfeminine and unmasculine, guilty, frustrated and stressed out and the pressure of the infertility treatment result. If you do, know infertility after properly planning of the timing of sexual activity and everything should you think of course, search to doctor in a next step, if you are considering advanced types of assisted reproductive treatments. Some of these treatments are in vitro fertilization, or IVF, the a procedure in which the woman is drugs fertility to increase egg production; the doctor then gets at least one of the eggs, mixes with the sperm in a Petri dish and allow the fertilization takes place. As soon as this is the doctor of the embryo, can develop for a few days outside of the womb and then in the uterus lining implants done. Other treatments are artificial fertilization and gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (gift). During the treatment of infertility in some cases, you run the risk of multiple births.

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