
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is infertility? -What are the causes of it and maternity centre

The definition of infertility is the inability to understand or difficult conception. How is infertility diagnosed? If a couple has labeled barren, this simply means that they could comprehend not a child within a year of regular sexual intercourse and without birth control. There are two categories within a diagnosis of infertility: primary and secondary. Primary infertility is, if a child had never yet and not to grasp while secondary infertility, is if you have previously designed but difficulties at the present time due to a medical problem affect your fertility. There are a number of reasons for infertility, and you may not realize that you are infertile until you try to understand. About 14 percent of people in the United States are infertile and this can be contributed to the problems that have with lifestyle, age or physical problems to do.

How hormones work

In a woman that system depends on reproduction of five most important hormones: Progesterone, estrogen, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and gonadotropin - releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH is the first hormone released by the hypothalamus, an of the areas of the brain. After is released is the pituitary follicle stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. These hormones then communicate with the ovaries can share to estrogen and progesterone.

The follicle stimulating hormone causes that some which the egg follicles in the ovaries, tires, and tires (the ovaries adhere between 200,000 and 400,000 certain). In addition to this effect on the follicle egg, makes this hormone of the ovaries produce estrogen which in turn causes a large of Luteinisierenden hormone release and then stimulates the ovulation process by releasing an egg in the fallopian tube from the largest follicles. The luteinizing hormone, which is also responsible for the production of yellow fabric (Corpeus Luteum), makes the progesterone. At this time together prepare estrogen and progesterone and compression of the uterus by swelling it with blood, so that a fertilized egg itself can implant.

A man depends on the reproductive system four most important hormones: testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and gonadotropin - releasing hormone. The GnRH is brain by the hypothalamus in a man's brain like in a woman, and throws the luteinizing hormone and the follicle stimulating hormone are produced by the pituitary gland. Then, these two hormones regulate sperm production and the release of testosterone. This all takes place in the male testes which is scrotal SAC within the.

Causes of infertility

Both men and women to the cause for infertility are system problems in a man's system or anomalies in a woman. Twenty percent of infertility cases are 10 percent of the time by both parties, the problems with their systems, the problem can not be found, and the remaining 70 per cent of fertility cases is divided between the man and the woman. It can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which are easier to fix than others such as poor lifestyle or sexual habits. Sometimes, the cause may be as simple as not enough sex to have or lubricants, affecting the sperm of survival craft. Lifestyle changes that can be modified are heavy use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol, tight underwear and stress. Tight underwear causes infertility in men, as the density increases the temperature in the area of step and reduces therefore sperm count. Stress can cause that a woman can increase cycle notification of complaint and a man's risk of infertility by reducing his sperm count.

A woman can be infertile due to a number of reasons, including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is the most common cause of infertility in the world. This is a condition where the basin or at least the reproductive organs is infected. These include the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, or the cervix. This disease is caused from the same type of bacteria, the sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Another reason for infertility in women is a so-called syndrome of Polycystic ovary syndrome. This causes infertility, because it does not, allow the body to produce eggs due to the overproduction of testosterone and other male hormones.

Often go endometriosis and infertility hand in hand. This is scar than if a woman endometriosis, parts of the uterine lining in implant and the vagina, basin, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Other problems with infertility in women include other sexually transmitted diseases like herpes herpes, which can reduce fertility; immune system problems; hormonal problems; Fibroids; surgical complications; Drugs and poor quality cervical mucus.

Men can be infertile because of less than women, which are some of those have swollen veins in the scrotum, underdeveloped testes, some medications, exposure to metals, testicle injury, chronic infections of the prostate and infections such as tuberculosis and gonorrhea. Other causes of male infertility include Autoimmunity and retrograde ejaculation, which is, where the sperm back into the bladder rather than forced out travels.

Dealing with infertility

To try to understand and pregnancy can not experience it to as unfeminine and unmasculine, guilty, frustrated and stressed out and the pressure of the infertility treatment result. If you do, know infertility after properly planning of the timing of sexual activity and everything should you think of course, search to doctor in a next step, if you are considering advanced types of assisted reproductive treatments. Some of these treatments are in vitro fertilization, or IVF, the a procedure in which the woman is drugs fertility to increase egg production; the doctor then gets at least one of the eggs, mixes with the sperm in a Petri dish and allow the fertilization takes place. As soon as this is the doctor of the embryo, can develop for a few days outside of the womb and then in the uterus lining implants done. Other treatments are artificial fertilization and gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (gift). During the treatment of infertility in some cases, you run the risk of multiple births.

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Monday, May 30, 2011

You have postpartum depression - cause for concern?

Depression during the captivity time is one of the biggest worry for many pregnant women. If you have suffered during the pregnancy from periods of Blues, you need to ensure that you more risk for postpartum depression. Although a happy person excited bring you to the new child home, it can provide some, that you could be victim to depression after the birth.

To some extent, all new mothers have something to worry about, when it comes to depression. Many women who suffer with depression after the birth of very little sad have be. You have good life, supporting spouses, and the relationships with friends and other loved. But depression is in because of the hormonal fluctuations and imbalances common during and after the birth of a child.

This means that postpartum depression can meet someone. Can those who are less satisfied with their lives happy more risk for depression than others, but it can happen every woman after the birth of a child.

No reason to sad

The most common misconception about postpartum depression is that women, who with him good reasons are affected, need to be sad. They have things going on in their way of life, to bring them down or they are not stable, emotionally or financially, and this leads to the depression. While these things can reduce some women or they make for more baby home bring printed are, many women who suffer from postpartum depression have no good reason for their sadness.

It is quite common that depressed mothers to burst into tears just to say "I do not know" the question is what wrong. They are not crying because there is something in their lives on the head, or because they are heart broken and unhappy. It is a depression and life to escape, but they can pinpoint why they feel so.

Postpartum depression is very similar to how depressed without good reason. Therefore it is easy for lover to say "oh, about it already received." What loved ones, can not understand, is that postpartum depression "than" not so easy.

Dealing with postpartum depression

Many women who suffer from postpartum depression will suffer minor symptoms for a short time. You will stabilize their hormones to their normal happy itself once again and back to normal. Those who exercise, healthy meals to eat and spend time bonding with their babies may be faster and with fewer instances of deep sadness the depression to escape.

For months postpartum depression can go on for others. If it is not handled, it can even years go on and more and more difficult with life. The more severe cases of depression can adequately stick no mothers with their babies, because they so withdrawn from the world around them.

Therefore, feeling blue every woman or even after the birth of a child a confinement nanny or doctor about their experiences should trust not their normal. It can be something so deep the mood early lift depression not in setting can be done.

Every woman should be monitored for signs of depression after the birth of a child. It does not matter how happy you are in your life or what you have to look. If you stick with your baby are not, feel feel withdrawn or separated from your family or in any other way down and depressed, then need to consult a nanny or a doctor.


You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What is pregnant - eat foods the fertility boost can

What to eat pregnant? Should food really have the ability to design? Can food actually increase fertility? Here in this article, I will provide answers to some frequently asked questions about food and pregnancy.

Scientific studies show some link between conception and the food we eat. There are certain categories of foods that are useful to regulate the monthly cycle ovulation in women. This significantly improves the fertility. Ovulatory disorders will benefit from the kind of food we consume.

Here are some of the things relating to food, you need to follow if you are seriously conception

(a) stop or reduce the consumption of trans fats. Replace this with monounsaturated fats, wherever possible.

(b) inclusion of proteins is essential in the pre-conception phase. However, it is necessary that you make sure that is the source of proteins from vegetables instead of animals. Protein from plant sources includes beans and lentils.

(c) to other dietary requirements of the body recording the whole grains meet are fresh vegetables and fruit essential. These are loaded with vitamins and are best when consumed raw, organic form.

(d) is to raise the body's natural immune system and ensure a healthy concept recording of iron and vitamins also significantly. Vitamin c deserves special mention. Vitamin C supplements are very effective for the strengthening of our body's immune system.

(e) folic acid supplement should be taken as soon as a woman decides to have a baby. Folic acid is needed to avoid tube defects. Green vegetables, nuts and whole grains are rich in folic acid.

(f) drinking water is very essential in this decisive phase of woman's life. At least 8 glasses of water has consumed every day to ensure that all harmful toxins out of our system are flushed out.

(g) research has shown that foods containing mercury are often responsible for birth defects. Therefore it is the best, foods such as certain types of salmon and a few other forms of seafood, which are rich in mercury.

(h) canned foods containing preservatives, chemicals and high levels of sodium. Therefore it must be avoided as much as possible.

Proper nutrition is one of the aspects that ensures a healthy body before and after the pregnancy. This will automatically promote boost fertility and general well-being.


You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

10 fat loss tips for busy mothers, I think,

To help celebrate as well as motivate others to take action on their goals, we’ve made a list of the most helpful fat loss tips and strategies.

These are the very action steps taken by the most successful Fit Yummy Mummy’s that have helped them to lose 10-15-20 pounds, 5-7 inches off the mommy belly, skyrocket their energy levels and even wear a bikini for the first time with confidence all in a matter of WEEKS!

Grab your Top 10 Expert Fat Loss List to help give your fitness plan a jump start just in time for body shaping results for Spring!

Don’t wing it.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Results are what you want so you must map out the very steps that lead to these results. No amount of wishing, hoping or praying can make up for the lack of a plan.

Planning is most important FIRST STEP you can take for doing so allows you to create the road map for your success – for fast and the lasting success.

I would have given up if I was weighing myself every day! That is what sabotaged me in the past.

The scale is just a number – NOT your Value or self worth. At the start of a true fat loss plan, the scale cannot measure the amount of fat lost as you gain lean muscle. Best to stay off the scale and use your Clothes – especially your skinny jeans – to see and appreciate the loss of inches as you reshape your body.

3. Social support is crucial.
If you don’t have someone to cheer you on, it’s going to be one hundred times harder than it needs to be. If I didn’t have this support there is no way I would have finished.

This is more than just Losing Fat – this is changing the way you take care of you – the way you live….and there is NO reason why you should have to do this on your own. Sometimes its super helpful to have someone to ask…”Is this what is supposed to be happening?” or advice on how to overcome the every day obstacles.

4. Keep a DETAILED journal
And Be Honest – no sense fooling yourself.
Writing it down helps you identify your current habits so you are aware of what changes need to take place in order to get results. Guessing or committing habits to memory will only end up as another excuse.

Plus, not only will this provide you with a running record of what is working and what is not – it becomes an additional level of accountability – making you think twice about your choices – especially if you keep an journal online where others will read what you post!

5. Think Positive
Some days are harder than others; when you have a bad day, forgive yourself for the mistakes you made and move on. No one is perfect – and no one NEEDS to be in order to get results. This is more of a matter of knowing what to do when the going gets tough so you do not flounder and get off track.

6. Consistency
Plain and simple – Consistency= Results.
You must take action each and every day and follow through. The habits and tasks needed to successfully achieve fat loss are things that ANYONE can do ~ it’s just that the successful person does them CONSISTENTLY.

7. Keep only supportive food on hand.
Restock your kitchen with foods that support fat loss and increased energy and make sure you eat enough of it. Your environment supports your habits.

8. Be teachable
Don’t ever think you know it all or know better. Be open to try a new approach …especially when it’s a strategy all the successful FYMs are doing!

9. Look for inspiration wherever possible
Be an inspiration magnet! Reach out to your support system, get encouragement when needed, give it every chance you get, look for quotes, create vision boards, make a goals list of things that really get you excited and read it often.

10. Take it day by day
This is a journey….not a destination. Enjoy the process!
12 weeks may seem like a long time but it totally flies! Take it one day at a time and you will be victorious in making it to the finish line of yet another goal!

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Conversion Kit Contest winners-spring

 The Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Kit Contest winners

Last week I invited you to tell me the objectives of the Fat loss for the spring, and why the Transformation Kit is the perfect program to help.

50 + Who took the time to go to a professional answer.

You can now use the winners!Congratulations to Carol and Ashely!

Send to send the message immediately, full name and address to retrieve the Transformation Kit, so you can make some serious progress shall be adopted in accordance with the objectives of the spring, the Fat loss!

Winner # 1
Ashely Congrats!

"How TK help you? It is the tool you need to turn himself in to the next level. I think that it helps my struggles with when it comes to it, and even just planning on a daily basis. I have recently logged all my food for the intensity of the workouts, reps, and pleasure, etc. on a daily basis. I know that is a step in the right direction. For more information about how to resolve it, but mentally I am trying to write a, such as all of the recommended. Do I need this new lifestyle and the stick. NYTC has helped, I believe, and AB: you've come to know during the challenge. I am so happy to have become part of the Club of FYM. It really has taken me to a new level of commitment. “

Winner # 2
Prince Charles, congratulations!

"My goals are to the detriment of the spring will lose 10 lbs., which seems to hang me, such as super glue. I understand, the truth is that I have total power over to get rid of it is –. So, follow the steps in the "my spring objectives are nutrition -plan, eat meals with the support of indulgences – well designed piece of white food and wine! I will write my output on my calendar every week, so I am unaware of them, when I get the "too busy". It is always the case, which goes out the window – me! Conversion Kit to help me organize the plan in the spring and help give me support and motivation, which, I admit that just is really, really need to get that little stick of extra fat filling unstuck. "

The new year just ended, and the Transformation of the challenge is in dozens and dozens of ClubFYM forums posted an amazing success stories. The best is this Sunday and next week the voting begins!

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

3 Unexpected tips to cut your Tummy

Trim even more inches off your belly following these 3 unexpected, yet simple and super effective tips. Tummy Trimming Tip #1: Avoid FAKE Foods

While this may not be such an “unexpected” tip – based on the foods I see Fit Yummy Mummy’s posting in their progress journals in the Club Forums….I still see a surprising amount of “Diet” based foods.

From Special K cereals to fat free muffins. Stop falling for the promises made on the packaging! If a product has to Convince you that it’s Healthy – skip it!

Watch out for packaged foods that have added sugars, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Highly processed foods have been shown to cause an accumulation of toxins in the body, which can lead to increased fat storage. Avoid foods with ingredients that you don’t recognize. Look at nutrition labels closely…you should be able to identify each ingredient as a “real food.”

Remember, your goal in the Mommy Belly Makeover is to consume whole, natural, fresh foods. Here’s a list of the >> Top 10 Mommy Belly Melting foods to get you started or if you want step by step meal plans and fat burning recipes for busy moms – be sure to grab your copy of the Fit Yummy Mummy Cookbook!

Tummy Trimming Tip #2: Cut Your Cardio

No, traditional, long duration cardio is NOT the best way to burn more belly fat. In fact, the more cardio you do – the harder it becomes to lose that last bit of Flab. So what DOES work?

Intervals of Course!

Study after study proves that Interval training is the SMART Way to Blast Belly fat.

Here’s one for you…An Australian study compared a 20-minute interval training workout (done 3x’s per week) against a 40-minute slow cardio workout (also done 3x’s per week). Women did the workout for 15 weeks, and only the interval group lost belly fat. The cardio group got practically no results at all. Interval training burns fat from the stomach 1st!

Plus – who has the TIME to devote to doing MORE and MORE cardio with Less and Less results? Not me – not any of my Fit Yummy Mummy’s ….that’s why we’ve all switched over to Interval Training.

Just three quick, 15 minute sessions a week, alternating periods of HIGH intensity with active recovery periods. Keeps your body challenged and the time you spend working out SHORT and to the Point.

While Fit Yummy Mummy’s love their FYM Interval Training Soundtracks – follow along cardio workouts are also a blast.

Fit Yummy Mummy follow along Interval Training DVD with 6 HOT new interval circuits and music to super charge your cardio sessions making it FUN to burn belly fat! Be on the Look OUT!

Tummy Trimming Tip #3: Get Some Zzzzz’s

Busy Moms are notorious for NOT getting enough sleep – myself included.

Moms with newborns aside….Studies have shown that those who get less than four hours of sleep per night are 73% more likely to be obese along with an increase in visceral fat (belly fat) than those who get at least seven hours a night.


- Lack of sleep lowers Leptin
a protein that suppresses appetite and tells the brain when the stomach is full. This not only increases your appetite the following day making it even harder to say no to snacking and staying on track

- Lack of sleep inhibits the production of Insulin
a storage hormone which regulates blood sugar. If you are in a regular state of sleep deprivation, you are not only preventing your body from burning more fat – but teaching it to become very good at STORING it – - – especially in the belly!

- Lack of Sleep = Increased Cortisol!
Now throughout the day, your body naturally produces the stress hormone cortisol. Our body actually converts stored cortisol into a healing nutrient during deep sleep. The problem arises when we don’t get that deep sleep and instead of creating energy, cortisol actually starts to create belly fat.

Get More Sleep and you avoid this triple whammy PLUS Sleep is when your body replenishes and REPAIRS.

Sleep is when your body has opportunity to repair and rebuild muscles. These “rebuilt” muscles are part of the increased lean muscle mass in your body and the more lean muscle mass you have, the faster your body burns fat and calories!

Get To Sleep Tips:
Here’s what works for me…

- Go to Bed an Hour earlier – yes, you can do this.
- Get rid of the stimulants – turn off the computer/TV at least an hour before bed time.
- Sip on Chamomile or Sleepy Time tea
- Dim the lights and listen to relaxing music – I enjoy Enya!



You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ensure the abdominal fat loss – this

This is actually one of the, you can change the mom-to-body of the main steps.

What do you want to do?

If you're thinking …

It is not!
I am too embarrassed
How humiliating

I'm here to tell you to think again.

Before the photo to reveal the truth.

And the truth is, many of us really want to know the true picture of our physical health.

If you do not know the truth …You can start to change.

3 reasons why the photo leads to more fat loss

1. the starting point for a clear and complete

(A) before the picture, you can honest with what you have right now so you are the Starting Point and start effectively fat loss plan.

2. the Strong motivation of the source

(A) before motivates you to to take a fat loss plan, closed in the photo.

When you contact us prior to the photo- hang it, when you see it every day. Maybe in a mirror, pantry, refrigerator, summer swim suit you want to use.

This is the fat loss for the reminder.

You have decided you wanted to change it, first of all, for reasons only hide the hide.

Add To Stick To Your fat loss plan >>> the faster you can get the results!

3. the Measures physical changes

When you start taking the steps that the fat loss-mommy makeover: body … it be difficult to detect changes to the original.

Photo taken prior to the start of the "unfinished" photos to compare to give immediate feedback to recognise that you want to see the change!

General error the right fat loss to measure the progress made in the scale of the rule.

How many times have you started a new fat loss plan only after the end of the scale, the move to try to STOP?

Well …. since when the scale of the measure

-the loss of your legs inches
-to improve the position of the
-toned arms
-flatter stomach
-the higher the smile



You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fat burning Frappuccino recipe Video

Fat Burning Frapp ~ coffee beverage, which actually helps you LOSE fat!

This is what you need ….

your favorite coffee-1 in the football I love Starbucks Italian distribute VIAs
1 1/2 ball Prograde Lean
1 SCOOPiin Prograde workout
(optional — Vanilla creme flavored product)

Blend and enjoy!

At the moment wish to my partners and friends nutrition , Prograde, …

I have been with them since the beginning of Prograde.

They came to me and the busy mother of 4 years ago customers taste testers to provide feedback on the new meal replacement shake lean look. After about a dozen of the taste tests at a later time – they sent THE ONE! The aim was to get the reaction of WOW – and this one had it! Prograde Lean and has been part of my the Fit Yummy Mummymeal plans here!

Prograde was an important role in the possession of each variant of the challenge, by providing for the challenge and fun of the winners of the discounts participating Prograde gift packs.

My husband hear even things you can do to make the company up and running – so I'm as good as it gets, that you see how they've grown to help achieve their fitness objective over the last four years, with so many people.

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Healthy recipe Video of Mayo

Spices can kill the fat loss results, since these "little little bit here and there" quickly add calories. Do not have to worry about the taste-less food, when you have the opportunity to whip your own healthy condiments like Mayo. …. And to know ya – this one tastes even better than the Mayo and keeps you on the fast-track fat loss!


Healthy Mayo recipe

1 Cup cottage cheese
1/2 Cup spinach
1/2 Cup fresh basil leaves
The taste of the spices (fresh cracked pepper, sea salt, herbs, etc.).

Add all ingredients in Blender/food processor. Blend well.

Healthy Mayo ideas

This makes about 1.5 cups, more than 225 Calories – which uses the location if you disconnect the drive sizes … you down 2 TBSP for up to a mere 20 Calories! This is only a fraction of what the real Mayo Add up to be a PLUS you can feel good to know this wonderful Condiment is downloaded only – calcium, iron, fibre and protein of a few to name. When you compare the Mayo jar label found on the typical ingredients of the difference in the world.

So now you are ready to go for information about the fun …. how healthy a lot of new ideas and Super tasty Mayo!

* The use of Sub-Mayo spread favorite sandwich or wrap

* Veggie Dip-dip the veggies worry-free in this pungent Mayo!

* High Protein Topper-the taste of the chicken, fish and eggs on top!

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

In my 6 months Post Baby body results

I am excited to share that only about 6 months after the baby Alexander, I reached my pre-baby weight!

The photo above is a quick snap shot of me just before she was born in New York City-38 this was one week. The following photographs Show the date of my 6 months postpartum 6 "After" photos side by side.

Now, you've been sharing my post baby ClubFYM to convert the forums and I have to tell you …. This has been the most useful strategies has been carried out in a fat loss plan.

And nutrition Workouts aside (because these are the obvious fat loss-makers), I could not turn the system on the one hand, and the accountability that comes with it, until it was placed to appreciate the power of the Web material reserves.

Thank you for the Fit Yummy Mummy"s!!!

I actually set out in the habit of posting, I have been having at the same time, when I was pregnant, because this time around I decided to do it right (vs. gaining 50 pounds as I did with Tyler) steps. It was then natural to continue to Send updates to Alexander's arrival.

In the past 6 months is such a blessing to share to all, not only to Alexander, and now I want to get, but also learn how to get to know me and my body completely differently, and thus to develop a new level of respect for what the woman's body is capable of – which is the second super important reason, I have made every effortin order to keep track of my progress, so could be passed along helpful tips and strategies for you!

Today I am sharing my results, and the next couple of weeks, I will outline to make back after baby …. and I think for many of the mothers of the body, it is even better food!

I before the photo is day 6 out of the hospital and the "After" photo is 6 months (only a couple of weeks ago!)

Post Baby body Transformation:


Post Baby body Transformation side:



weight 115 131 ….

waist 32.75. …25-bye bye for more than seven inches off of the stomach
Hips 39 …. 34.5 – see ya to more than 5 inches in hips/butt off

on the one hand, and the

16 Sterling will be deleted!

Throughout my pregnancy weight was gained 31 pounds-we went to the hospital, weighed 146.

And Yes – to say "After" offers for now, when the baby is gone, my new recovers the focus by adding pre-baby attempting to sound and added to the definition, which comes with plus! for the achievement of this objective,

What is also one of the reasons I am a Mommy belly Makeover series!
Stay tuned!!!
More baby fat melting, stomach flattening tips are posted – so check for new updates to the blog!

You can go here to lose your pounds after pregnancy!