Infertility is usually a result of problems that exist within a woman or man's reproductive system. 35 Percent of infertility cases are due to problems within the man's system and another 35 percent is due to problems in connection with the female reproductive system. Twenty percent of the time it is due to the both parties and the remaining 10 percent of infertility cases are of unknown causes. The cause of infertility in all cases can be identified and fixed sometimes slightly depending on the exact cause.
If you drink a lifestyle heavy life, drugs or tobacco, this is a great contribution to the infertility problems you may experience. A woman can also anorexic or of starvation diet with a score of infertility problems and participate. Other lifestyle changes that can be modified and vice versa, problems include the infertility that reduces stress in your life this that count a man's sperm and reduce dysfonction cycle (or period) is irregular, a woman. For men who wear tight underwear, they should change lots of underwear and boxer shorts. If underwear is too narrow, it leads men have thrown a low sperm count due to the temperature in the area of step.
If the cause for infertility as simple is like a health and lifestyle habit, how such as exercise to stress to reduce or avoid, lubricants, the sperm can kill change you have to check not supported reproductive technology options, because this probably addresses the issue. These types of situations are a common problem of infertility. Other ways to further increase your chances of pregnancy is to plan the timing and sexual techniques. After sexual intercourse, you place a pillow under the woman hips to help the sperm reach to prevent the cervix and departure.
Infertility in women
There are many causes, affecting a woman to have children. Some of these problems are problems that have to do with reproductive organs, some diseases and hormonal deficiencies. Fertility can be impaired as a result of complications with certain drugs and surgery.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a common condition, caused infertility in women. PID is a pelvic infection or an infection in the reproductive organs such as the ovaries, uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. It can spread also to the installation or in the entire basin area. The bacteria that causes some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is usually the culprit of the PID. These sexually transmitted diseases are gonorrhea and chlamydia. Seventy-five percent of the fallopian tube infection caused by chlamydia.
Sexually transmitted diseases, PID can from bacteria reach these organs of sex, abortion, hysterectomy, a ruptured, the birth or an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) form. Besides causing infertility, may PID to blood poisoning, is a complication, the potentially deadly, and result in an ectopic pregnancy.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is another cause of infertility, far affected women all over the world. This is a condition where male hormones, testosterone, including produced by the ovaries in high quantities. Prevented in turn eggs produce this as follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) are extremely low and the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) are unusually high. Instead of eggs, produce, make the follicles cysts filled with liquid, covering ovaries in the course of time.
Infertility is not the only result of PCOS; PCOS increases the risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Some of the symptoms include acne, excessive facial hair, irregular or no periods, unexplained weight gain, balding, high cholesterol or insulin readings and depression.
Other causes of infertility in women include endometriosis, ovarian problems, other sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal problems, luteal phase defect, immune system problems, surgical complications, fibroids, uterine problems and uterine muscle problems, disease, premature menopause, drugs and poor quality cervical mucus.
Infertility in men
Semen is the most common infertility problem, if it men either by low quality to sperm or low sperm count. The sperm can be abnormally shaped or can not in the right direction or quickly enough due to the low quality move. There are conditions, the sperm questions, of which some are swollen veins in the scrotum, infections attribute, Undescended Testicles certain tuberculosis and even gonorrhoea, drugs, underdeveloped testes, chronic infection in the prostate, exposure to metals, and testicles, who was injured.
Autoimmunity is a more common cause of infertility in men. This is a condition where the body's antibodies attack the sperm as if they were toxic invaders. Retrograde ejaculation is another thing, that is, if the sperm in the opposite direction travels that there should be (in the direction of the bladder). This is usually by conditions as cause multiple sclerosis or diabetes, spinal cord injury, bladder, neck or prostate surgery and drugs such as high blood pressure medicine and sedatives.
Less male infertility may be caused by painful sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation or impotence. It can also be caused by structural problems or genetic defects or hormonal problems that prevent the production of sperm.
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